Orca Wave Announces Authorized Distributor Partnership with Somos

AUGUST 31, 2021 – SEATTLE, WA – Orca Wave, the complete voice and messaging management solution for carriers and enterprises alike, are pleased to announce their partnership with Somos, a leading registry management and data solutions provider, as an Authorized Distribution Partner. As an authorized distribution partner, Orca Wave is adding to their product suite […]
Visualize Business Trends vital to the success of your business

Orca Wave’s BlueWater advanced reporting capabilities provide voice and messaging Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) at a glance, essential to the success of your business. Analytics Reporting Solutions, with easy-to-read graphics, lets you custom design your widget to gauge your business performance and expose any concerning trends. Orca Wave provides insights into your KPI’s using our […]
Voice & Messaging/ A Marriage Made in Heaven?

Voice & Messaging – A marriage made in heaven? Is the convergence of these two traditional silos of activity the start of the integration of wholesale voice and messaging? Read our market insight to find out more:
Instant Real Time updates, Good or Bad, on your Domestic Traffic Patterns

Regardless of your home country, Orca Wave BlueWater Software reports provide valuable insight to your domestic traffic and calling patterns. These identify both the desired profitable and growing traffic, as well as the unprofitable and unwanted traffic. Whether you are looking at in-country roaming traffic, local calling, ‘A’ number originating, calling spikes, simultaneous calls, short […]
XConnect and Orca Wave Help Voice Carriers Stop OBR Losses

XConnect, a provider of world-class numbering intelligence solutions and Orca Wave, a leading OSS/BSS solution provider for international and domestic carriers, work together and enable carriers to stop losses from Origin Based Rating (OBR). The solution combines XConnect’s Global Numbering Plan and Number Portability data, as well as Orca Wave’s Bluewater solution so that customers […]